Dr Faith Coats - What is The Best Penis Pump for You?

Faith Coats
Written by: Faith Coats
Published 04/25/2024
Updated: 08/30/2024


Hey, I'm Dr. Faith, and today we're going to be tackling a topic that often gets whispered about but deserves an open conversation which is penis pumps. Now stay with me because understanding this can be crucial for not only Men's Health but also sexual satisfaction for everyone.

What are penis pumps

going to be exploring different types of penis pumps, when and why you might consider even using them, and the fascinating anatomy and physiology behind it all. Let's dive straight into it. Penis pumps are devices designed to help individuals achieve and maintain erection.

It's like a workout for your blood vessels, promoting healthy blood flow to the erectile tissues. Now, let's get into the exciting part of how these pumps work with your Anatomy. The penis has different kinds of spongy tissues called the corpus cavernosum. When you create a vacuum with the pump, it stimulates the blood flow into these Chambers, resulting in an erection.

It's a simple yet fascinating interplay of mechanics and biology, so let's talk about some numbers. Did you know that approximately 30 million men in the United States experience erectile dysfunction Studies have shown that using a penis pump can be a non-invasive solution for many of these men breaking the stigma and encouraging open conversations about topics is essential, and before we explore various types of pumps, let's sh light on some of the benefits they can offer the primary benefit of using a penis pump, of course, is improved blood flow to the penis by creating a vacuum.

Benefits of penis pumps

These pumps encourage the influx of blood into the corpora cavernosa, contributing to a firm and sustainable erection. Now, regular use of penis pumps can lead to enhanced sexual function, and it's like giving your vascular system a little workout, which can positively impact your overall Sexual Health.

Many men find relief from mild to moderate erectile dysfunction through the use of these penis pumps. They provide a non-invasive option that doesn't involve medications or surgeries.

Some users report increased penal sensitivity as a result of pump usage. Sensitivity can lead to a more heightened and satisfying sexual experience, so what should men be aware of when using a penis pump?

While the benefits are apparent, it's crucial to be mindful of specific considerations when incorporating a penis pump into your routine, so let's start with some tips.

You want to start gradually. If you're new to using a penis pump, start by taking it slowly and begin with shorter sessions and lower pressure, and then you can allow your body to acclimate to the new settings of higher pressure you want to consult with a professional before diving in. Consulting with your healthcare practitioner, especially if you have underlying medical conditions, can help you avoid other issues you might experience. They can provide personal guidance and ensure the pump is safe.

Consult with an eDrugstore professional

Like any tool, you want to avoid overuse, which can have harmful effects. Avoid excessive or prolonged use of the pump, as it may lead to potential discomfort or bruising. Next, you want to choose the right size. Using the correct size of pumps is crucial for effectiveness and comfort. A pump that is too small or too large may not provide the desired result.

Quality matters

Quality matters. You want to invest in a high-quality pump from a reputable source to ensure safety and effectiveness. Cheap or poorly made pumps may not offer the desired result and could pose some risks.

Remember, the key to a positive experience with a penis pump is a balanced and informed approach. Now, there are various types of pumps, each with its perks.

Manual pumps

Manual pumps are the dogs of the pumping world. You can control the pressure with the bulb or the handle. They are affordable and a solid choice for those new to using them. If you have arthritis and struggle with painful arthritis in your hands, you might consider an automated pump because this can be irritating.

Battery powered pumps

We think of battery-powered pumps as an upgraded version that is more automated with adjustable pressure settings, which is excellent for those who want a user-friendly experience.

Depending on your budget, you can find them in a more affordable package, or if you want to invest, you can find some upgraded versions that are more user-friendly and comfortable.

Water-based pumps

Have you ever heard of a hydro pump? These use water to create a vacuum, and some find them more comfortable. Some evidence suggests that they might be more effective in promoting blood flow than hand pumps or automated pumps.

Let's also discuss some vacuum erection devices, also called VEDs. These are a more medical-grade solution prescribed for erectile dysfunction.

They can provide a more potent vacuum, but they must be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional. Now, let's discuss choosing the right pump for you because, like any tool, finding the perfect fit can make all the difference in comfort.


You want to consider that comfort level when using your pump. Some individuals find manual pumps a little more comfortable because they can control the pressure, while others prefer the automated ease of a battery-powered pump.

It's a personal preference, so pay attention to what feels right and natural. Let's talk about the ease of use of a pump that's easy to use, can make the entire experience smoother and is battery-powered.

Ease of Use

Pumps often come with user-friendly features like OneTouch operation and adjustable pressure settings. On the other hand, manual pumps require more effort but offer more precise control. Your specific needs play a crucial role in finding the right device for you.

If you're dealing with erectile dysfunction, a vacuum erection device or a VED prescribed by your Healthcare practitioner might be the best choice for you. These medical-grade pumps are designed to provide a more potent vacuum and are tailored to individual health conditions under the guidance of your Healthcare practitioner, so you want to consult with a healthcare professional.

Before deciding, you should talk to somebody about your needs. They can provide personalized advice based on the medical history and overall health.

What might work for one person may not be suitable for another, and having a professional guide can ensure a safer and more effective experience for you for a more in-depth understanding of the different types of pumps and their features.


Head on over to edrugstore.com. We have a dedicated section under the medical experts section where you can find detailed information on any product or resource. It's a valuable resource for making informed decisions about your particular sexual health. Remember, the goal is not just functionality but enhancing your overall well-being. Take the time to explore options.

Ask questions and involve your healthcare provider in the decision-making process your sexual health is an integral part of your overall health, and finding the right pump can contribute positively to both, so there you have it, a deep dive into penis pumps.

Remember, open conversations lead to Better Health and better satisfaction in life. For additional details and personalized advice, find me at edrugstore.com under the medical expert section. If you have any questions that are not covered here, you can go ahead and ask there.

I'm Dr Faith, and I'll catch you in the next video bye

Faith Coats

Faith Coats

Dr. Faith Coats is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor from a rural area in Northern California. She was always interested in integrative medicine due to her “holistic” upbringing. While completing her prerequisites for medical school, she became unhealthy and obese. She then took control of her health and was able to lose 100 pounds but struggled to maintain her weight loss. She graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in Cellular Molecular Biology, as well as, minors in chemistry and dance from Humboldt State University. Before applying to medical school she took a gap year and worked as a scribe in the ER. It was through that experience that she realized that there is a real need for preventative medicine. This is when she discovered Naturopathic Medicine which blends her love of evidence based medicine with traditional therapies. She then transitioned to Arizona where she attended Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine. Throughout the 4 years of medical school she struggled

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Article by Faith Coats
