Broken Penis: Cheating and Wild Sex Could Lead to Penile Fractures

Faith Coats
Written by: Faith Coats
Published 04/16/2015
Updated: 04/16/2015

Vigorous sexual intercourse in unusual positions can lead to penile fractures. If you’re in an awkward sexual position in a cramped space, all it takes is one wrong move. Your penis can bend too far one way, and you’ll feel something snap. You have a broken penis. You’re particularly likely to encounter this situation if you’re feeling stressed about having an affair.

Vigorous sexual intercourse in unusual positions can lead to penile fractures. If you’re in an awkward sexual position in a cramped space, all it takes is one wrong move. Your penis can bend too far one way, and you’ll feel something snap. You have a broken penis. You’re particularly likely to encounter this situation if you’re feeling stressed about having an affair.

It doesn’t sound good and it isn’t. When your penis breaks, your erection disappears almost instantly. Next, your penis fills with blood and begins to swell. It’s painful and agonizing for men who experience it. Without surgery to fix the damage, it can be difficult to get an erection in the future. If you have a broken penis, you should seek immediate medical attention, even if it seems embarrassing.

You may be wondering how a penis can break, since there’s no bone inside. Many people think that penile fractures are impossible. But a few unlucky men know that they’re very real. What actually breaks isn’t bone. Penile fractures occur when a layer of fibrous tissue called the tunica albuginea snaps. This tissue runs along the outside of the penis. It’s stretchy, so it can bend. But it can only bend so much. If it stretches too far, the tunica albuginea can break, which leads to penile fractures.

Dr. Andrew Kramer is a professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. He says that this type of injury usually occurs during energetic sex in strange positions. It also seems to be more likely to happen to cheaters. That’s probably because cheating men often try to have sex in cramped areas like bathrooms, cars, and elevators. But Dr. Kramer also thinks that stress could play a role. Cheaters often have sex with a guilty conscience.

There are plenty of examples out there. Dr. Kramer uses a 41-year-old married man as an example. This man decided to cheat on his wife with a coworker after a company party. They were having wild sex in the back seat of the car. As they were going at it, the man felt something snap in his penis. He had experienced a penile fracture.

Another cheating couple of coworkers regularly had sex in various cramped places around the office. One day, they decided to meet in the restroom for a little illicit fun. But by the end of the session, the cheating man wasn’t having much fun at all. In fact, he was in terrible pain. The man bent his penis a bit too far and ended up with a broken penis.

Overall, penile fractures are relatively rare. When you’re with your partner, you don’t have to limit yourself to gentle sex in the bedroom. But Dr. Kramer thinks that additional risk factors, including stress and cheating in cramped conditions can make penile fractures more likely. Are cheaters simply getting what they deserve? Maybe this information will make cheaters think twice about their actions.

It doesn’t sound good and it isn’t. When your penis breaks, your erection disappears almost instantly. Next, your penis fills with blood and begins to swell. It’s painful and agonizing for men who experience it. Without surgery to fix the damage, it can be difficult to get an erection in the future. If you have a broken penis, you should seek immediate medical attention, even if it seems embarrassing.

You may be wondering how a penis can break, since there’s no bone inside. Many people think that penile fractures are impossible. But a few unlucky men know that they’re very real. What actually breaks isn’t bone. Penile fractures occur when a layer of fibrous tissue called the tunica albuginea snaps. This tissue runs along the outside of the penis. It’s stretchy, so it can bend. But it can only bend so much. If it stretches too far, the tunica albuginea can break, which leads to penile fractures.

Dr. Andrew Kramer is a professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. He says that this type of injury usually occurs during energetic sex in strange positions. It also seems to be more likely to happen to cheaters. That’s probably because cheating men often try to have sex in cramped areas like bathrooms, cars, and elevators. But Dr. Kramer also thinks that stress could play a role. Cheaters often have sex with a guilty conscience.

There are plenty of examples out there. Dr. Kramer uses a 41-year-old married man as an example. This man decided to cheat on his wife with a coworker after a company party. They were having wild sex in the back seat of the car. As they were going at it, the man felt something snap in his penis. He had experienced a penile fracture.

Another cheating couple of coworkers regularly had sex in various cramped places around the office. One day, they decided to meet in the restroom for a little illicit fun. But by the end of the session, the cheating man wasn’t having much fun at all. In fact, he was in terrible pain. The man bent his penis a bit too far and ended up with a broken penis.

Overall, penile fractures are relatively rare. When you’re with your partner, you don’t have to limit yourself to gentle sex in the bedroom. But Dr. Kramer thinks that additional risk factors, including stress and cheating in cramped conditions can make penile fractures more likely. Are cheaters simply getting what they deserve? Maybe this information will make cheaters think twice about their actions.

Faith Coats

Faith Coats

Dr. Faith Coats is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor from a rural area in Northern California. She was always interested in integrative medicine due to her “holistic” upbringing. While completing her prerequisites for medical school, she became unhealthy and obese. She then took control of her health and was able to lose 100 pounds but struggled to maintain her weight loss. She graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in Cellular Molecular Biology, as well as, minors in chemistry and dance from Humboldt State University. Before applying to medical school she took a gap year and worked as a scribe in the ER. It was through that experience that she realized that there is a real need for preventative medicine. This is when she discovered Naturopathic Medicine which blends her love of evidence based medicine with traditional therapies. She then transitioned to Arizona where she attended Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine. Throughout the 4 years of medical school she struggled

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Article by Faith Coats
